( especially used in traditional Hindu belief of the lowest caste or castes) defiling.
Not capable of being obtained. Synonyms:inaccessible, unobtainable, unprocurable."Timber is virtually unobtainable in the islands" , "Untouchable resources buried deep within the earth"
Belongs to lowest social and ritual class in India. Synonym:Harijan.
... convenience, remains almost untouched in all essentials and, above all, in the fundamental laws of inter-marriage, the social outlawry of scores of millions of the lower castes, labelled and treated as 'untouchable,' infant-marriage, the prohibition of the re-marriage of widows, which, especially in the case of child-widows, condemns them to a lifetime of misery and semi-servitude, the appalling infantile mortality, largely due to the prevalence of barbarous superstitions, the economic ... — India, Old and New • Sir Valentine Chirol