... "Mustard is baying 'treed,'" said the guide. "Hurry, if you want to be in at the death. If you don't the dogs either will kill him or get killed before ... — The Pony Rider Boys in the Rockies • Frank Gee Patchin
... music was a fiddle and a lively tambourine, And a viol came imported, by the stage from Abilene. The room was togged out gorgeous—with mistletoe and shawls, And the candles flickered festious, around the airy walls. The wimmen folks looked lovely—the boys looked kinder treed, Till the leader commenced yelling, "Whoa, fellers, let's stampede," And the music started sighing and a-wailing through the hall As a kind of introduction to the Cowboy's ... — Cowboy Songs - and Other Frontier Ballads • Various