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Topper   /tˈɑpər/   Listen

A worker who makes or adds the top to something.
A worker who cuts tops off (of trees or vegetables etc.).
The person who is most outstanding or excellent; someone who tops all others.  Synonym: best.
An exceedingly good witticism that surpasses all that have gone before.
A woman's short coat.
A man's hat with a tall crown; usually covered with silk or with beaver fur.  Synonyms: beaver, dress hat, high hat, opera hat, silk hat, stovepipe, top hat.


Situated at the top or highest position.

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"Topper" Quotes from Famous Books

... city is usually that of afternoon, and a high hat is indispensable. Sometimes the huge gray coats with large buttons and a gray topper are worn. Dogskin driving gloves and driving boots complete the costume. In the country one wears tweed or Scotch cheviot and a Derby hat. The man who drives mounts last, his horses' heads being held by the groom. His whip should be in its socket; the reins loosely ...
— The Complete Bachelor - Manners for Men • Walter Germain

... Robins, affably. 'Wish you joy, sir, and Miss Olive, too. It's a pity, though! Master Dick, he throws a fine fly, but he gets flurried with a big fish, being young. And this one is a topper.' ...
— Angling Sketches • Andrew Lang

... take this attitude without delay. He dressed accordingly, knowing that of every ten people nine judge value from clothes, and hat, and boots—especially boots. His patent leather, buttoned boots were dazzling, with upper parts of soft grey leather. And his shiny 'topper' wore a band of black. Minks, so far as he knew, was not actually in mourning, but somebody for whom he ought to be in mourning might die any day, and meanwhile, he felt, the band conveyed distinction. It suited a man of letters. It ...
— A Prisoner in Fairyland • Algernon Blackwood

... Mlle. Zaretti. "Next spring I go out by rail with a three topper. I'm going to do the real bareback act, too. No more broad pads and wagon shows for Katie. Hey, Jim, rig up ...
— Horses Nine - Stories of Harness and Saddle • Sewell Ford

... suggesting you should allow yourself to be denuded in the cause (like Lady GODIVA), but I daresay you have some odds and ends stowed away that you would contribute; for instance, that delightful old topper that you were wont to go to church in before the War, and that used to cause a titter among the choir—can't you get the moths to let you have it? Neckties, again. Where are the tartans of '71? Surely there may be some bonny stragglers left in your tie-bins. And who fears ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 153, Sept. 26, 1917 • Various

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