"Thirdly" Quotes from Famous Books
... but firstly and secondly and thirdly and perpetually, every student of singing and every teacher of it must constantly bear in mind ... — Resonance in Singing and Speaking • Thomas Fillebrown
... be seen that there are three ways of losing a "life." First, the player may lay down a letter, and on being challenged be unable to give the word. Secondly, he may himself challenge another player who is not at fault. Thirdly, he may be obliged to add the final letter to a word, and so ... — My Book of Indoor Games • Clarence Squareman
... Thirdly, it may be due to material deposited in the eddy or swirl created by the corner of the west wall whenever a large volume of drainage water flowed from the westward in the main cave and was sharply deflected toward the south when it struck the east wall. ... — Archeological Investigations - Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 76 • Gerard Fowke
... extraordinary extension by our modern legislation of this power to matters not hitherto deemed necessary for the safety, health, or even the well-being of the public, vague as the legal application of the last word is; thirdly, and perhaps most important, because the police power is usually exercised without any common-law guarantees, without process of law or jury trial, but by the arbitrary ruling of some board, or even single commissioner, and often, so far as the statute is concerned, ... — Popular Law-making • Frederic Jesup Stimson
... to find out if you were living; secondly to ask you to marry me" ... (a pause) ... "and thirdly to find out what happened to Bertie Adams. A message came through the Spanish Legation here, a year and a half ago, to the effect that he had died at Brussels from the consequences of the War. However, unless you can tell ... — Mrs. Warren's Daughter - A Story of the Woman's Movement • Sir Harry Johnston