"Teachable" Quotes from Famous Books
... different countries and periods you will find schools taking over this function and throwing out that, and changing not only methods but professions and aims in the most remarkable manner. What has either been teachable or has seemed teachable in human development has played a part in some curriculum or other. Beyond the fact that there is class instruction and an initial stage in which the pupil learns to read and write, there is barely ... — Mankind in the Making • H. G. Wells
... remarks about the smallness of the brain of an ant, assuming that this insect possesses a very high intelligence, but I doubt very much that the ant, which moves in a groove, is mentally the superior of the unsocial flea. The last is certainly the most teachable; and if fleas were generally domesticated and made pets of, probably there would be as many stories about their marvellous intelligence and fidelity to man as we now hear about ... — The Naturalist in La Plata • W. H. Hudson
... this does not seem a remarkable fact. We have come into a period which desires beauty, and each one secures it as best he can. We are a teachable and a studious people, with a faculty of turning "general information" to account; and general information upon art matters has had much to do ... — Principles of Home Decoration - With Practical Examples • Candace Wheeler
... this art—which has for its end and aim the better delineation of character as exhibited by the lower animals—is not teachable unless the pupil is well grounded in anatomy, and is also a clever draughtsman and modeller—in fine, an artist!—with all an artist's perception of beauty of line and of form. I will here indicate what I take to be the ... — Practical Taxidermy • Montagu Browne
... examples of anthropoid intelligence are told of the chimpanzee, which has been most frequently kept in captivity. It is usually lively and good-tempered and is very teachable. Some of the stories of its intelligence may be apocryphal, as those told by Captain Grandpre of a chimpanzee which performed all the duties of a sailor on board ship, and of one that would heat the oven for a baker and inform ... — Man And His Ancestor - A Study In Evolution • Charles Morris