"Take up" Quotes from Famous Books
... intend to marry her if she would have him,—it might be as well not to quarrel with Mrs Van Siever. At any rate there was nothing in Mrs Van Siever's intrusion, disagreeable as it was, which need make him take up his sword to do battle with her. But now, as he held Mrs Broughton in his arms, and as the horrid words which the old woman had spoken rung in his ears, he could not refrain himself form uttering reproach. "You ought not to have told her in this way, ... — The Last Chronicle of Barset • Anthony Trollope
... too much into tutor-educated gentlemen, into Bandello and Cinthio-reading ladies of the sixteenth century. The picture painted by Ariosto is finer, but you see too much of the painter; he and his patrons take up nearly the whole foreground, and they have affected, idealized faces and would-be dignified and senatorial poses. For these and many other reasons, I personally prefer Boiardo; and perhaps the best reason for my preference is the irrational one that he gives ... — Euphorion - Being Studies of the Antique and the Mediaeval in the - Renaissance - Vol. II • Vernon Lee
... would go down the paths of sunshine will put joy and enthusiasm into her work and into her play. She will practice her music lesson, take up her studies at school, assist in performing the household duties, and in doing the many tasks that come to her hands in ... — The Girl Wanted • Nixon Waterman
... boys in that way, but I had not been long at it before the girls came along, and offered to do the very thing I had hoped for, they wanted to take up Scouting also. ... — Scouting For Girls, Official Handbook of the Girl Scouts • Girl Scouts
... very simple and can be made by the younger children of the lower grades. These have been held to purposely, for the child needs first to learn how both to use his fingers and to handle a needle; and afterward he must have much practice before he can take up the more difficult stitch in the ... — Construction Work for Rural and Elementary Schools • Virginia McGaw