"Swedish turnip" Quotes from Famous Books
... of the country was held in the town-hall. Many of the vegetables were so large, that a description of them was treated with incredulity until some specimens were sent to Ottawa, to be modelled for the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition. One Swedish turnip weighed over thirty-six pounds; some potatoes (early roses and white) measured nine inches long and seven in circumference; radishes were a foot and a half long and four inches 'round; kail branched out to the size of a currant bush; cabbages, hard, white, and good, grew to a foot and a half ... — A Trip to Manitoba • Mary FitzGibbon
... pudding, (ground,) Rice pudding, (plain,) Rice pudding, (plum,) Rice milk Rice milk, (ground,) Ringworms, remedy for, Rock-fish, to boil, Rock-fish, to pickle, Rolls, (common,) Rolls, (French,) Rose brandy Rhubarb jam Rose cordial Rose vinegar Rusk Russian or Swedish turnip, to boil, Rye ... — Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches • Eliza Leslie
... crossed seedlings must have been, for it cannot be doubted that heavy and fine seeds tend to yield the finest plants. Mr. Galton has shown that this holds good with Lathyrus odoratus; as has Mr. A.J. Wilson with the Swedish turnip, Brassica campestris ruta baga. Mr. Wilson separated the largest and smallest seeds of this latter plant, the ratio between the weights of the two lots being as 100 to 59, and he found that the seedlings "from the larger seeds ... — The Effects of Cross & Self-Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom • Charles Darwin |