"Stroll" Quotes from Famous Books
... her from taking a long stroll on the sands "o' Leith," the next afternoon, with James, who delighted in these Quixotish rambles; and was always on the alert, to join in any scheme which promised an adventure. It was a lovely afternoon. The sun glittered on the distant waters, which girdled ... — Flora Lyndsay - or, Passages in an Eventful Life • Susan Moodie
... think you'd understand. Auntie, I intended to come home by the lane. Twice or three times I tried to cross the stile into the meadows, and each time I was prevented. Something stopped me. Something pushed me back. Naturally I wanted to come by the meadow—the road was horrid—and I wanted to stroll along on the grass and enjoy myself by the river. But there it was—I couldn't do it. So I gave up trying, and came ... — Austin and His Friends • Frederic H. Balfour
... severa. Strip strio. Strip off senigi je. Stripe strio. [Error in book: streko] Strive penadi. Stroke streko. [Error in book: strio] Stroke (a blow) bato. Stroke (to touch) karesi, froti. Stroll promeni. Strong forta. Stronghold fortikajxo. Strophe strofo. Structure strukturo. Struggle barakti. Strut paradi. Strut (a stay) subtenajxo. Strychnine striknino. Stubborn obstinega. Stubbornness obstinegeco. Stucco ... — English-Esperanto Dictionary • John Charles O'Connor and Charles Frederic Hayes
... us stroll in the Park," he suggested, and though she demurred a little, he pressed her, saying it was quieter there, and she would have a better opportunity of showing him how he ... — Gordon Keith • Thomas Nelson Page
... among the irregularities, groves, and shrubberies, just mentioned, the party began to stroll; one group taking a direction eastward, another south, and a third westward, in a way soon to break them up into five or six different divisions. These several portions of the company ere long got to move in opposite directions, by taking the various paths, and while they frequently met, they ... — Home as Found • James Fenimore Cooper