"Stealthy" Quotes from Famous Books
... was a broad-shouldered, bull-necked young man, who leaned against the marble mantel-piece, turning over the pages of an almanac, and taking from time to time a stealthy peep over the top of it at the toilers around him. Command was imprinted in every line of his strong, square-set face and erect, powerful frame. Above the medium size, with a vast spread of shoulder, a broad aggressive jaw, and bright ... — The Firm of Girdlestone • Arthur Conan Doyle
... was awakened by the fall of a lump of snow from the branch of a shaken evergreen. That was nothing. But there were other sounds in the forest, faint, stealthy, inaudible to an ear less keen than his. He crept out of the shelter and looked into the wood. He could see shadowy forms, stealing among the trees, gliding down the hill. Five of them. Wolves, doubtless! He must guard the provisions. By this time the rest of his ... — The Ruling Passion • Henry van Dyke
... repaired. It may be watched and guarded, so that the enemy shall not force his way again into the citadel, and might even in his subsequent assaults, select some other avenue, in preference to that where he had formerly succeeded. But there is still the ruined wall, and near it the stealthy tread of the foe that would win ... — The Scarlet Letter • Nathaniel Hawthorne
... the traitress, as I slept, Stole from the house, and from beneath my head She took the trusty falchion, that I kept To guard the chamber and the bridal bed. Then, creeping to the door, with stealthy tread, She lifts the latch, and beckons from within To Menelaus; so, forsooth, she fled In hopes a lover's gratitude to win, And from the past wipe out ... — The Aeneid of Virgil - Translated into English Verse by E. Fairfax Taylor • Virgil
... of the sun, and ever-changing shape. On another, when the turbulent Foehn is blowing, streamers of snow may be seen flying from the higher ridges against a pallid background of slaty cloud, while the gaunt ribs of the hills glisten below with fitful gleams of lurid light. At sunrise, one morning, stealthy and mysterious vapours clothe the mountains from their basement to the waist, while the peaks are glistening serenely in clear daylight. Another opens with silently falling snow. A third is rosy through the length and breadth of the dawn-smitten valley. It is, however, impossible ... — Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece • John Addington Symonds