"Stay away" Quotes from Famous Books
... tabula rasa [Lat.]; exemption; hiatus &c (interval) 198; lipotype^. truant, absentee. nobody; nobody present, nobody on earth; not a soul; ame qui vive [Fr.]. V. be absent &c adj.; keep away, keep out of the way; play truant, absent oneself, stay away; keep aloof, hold aloof. withdraw, make oneself scarce, vacate; go away &c 293. Adj. absent, not present, away, nonresident, gone, from home; missing; lost; wanting; omitted; nowhere to be found; inexistence &c 2 [Obs.]. empty, void; vacant, vacuous; untenanted, unoccupied, uninhabited; ... — Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget
... appeal to Western minds, but it made a deep impression on Mrs. Lue, and we believe it was the message God meant for her. That night she came again to the meeting. She could stay away no longer, the time of her ... — Everlasting Pearl - One of China's Women • Anna Magdalena Johannsen
... he, "I wanted to see your father—I could not stay away from home any longer. I was so very lonely and unhappy—" Arthur stopped for a moment, and the girl paled slightly; as he saw it he continued rapidly: "There was no one there but the servant, and ... — King Midas • Upton Sinclair
... patiently, for I was not in much pain now; but that afternoon the doctor did not come, and my patience was rapidly fading away; for it was growing late, and it appeared hard, now that I had come to such a determination, for my attendant to stay away. That he must come from a distance, I knew; and more than once I had detected little things which showed me that he had been attending wounded men—a fact which of course told me that there was trouble going on somewhere near ... — Gil the Gunner - The Youngest Officer in the East • George Manville Fenn
... relations he had established with Peter, and with the honor of his uncle's family in his keeping, so to speak, Jack had awaited the arrival of Corinne and Garry with considerable trepidation. What if, after all, they should stay away, ignoring the great courtesy which this most charming of old ladies—never had he seen one so lovable or distinguished—had extended to them; and she a stranger, too, and all because her brother Peter had asked her to be kind to a boy ... — Peter - A Novel of Which He is Not the Hero • F. Hopkinson Smith