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Spread over   /sprɛd ˈoʊvər/   Listen
Spread over

Form a cover over.  Synonym: cover.

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"Spread over" Quotes from Famous Books

... the palm-leaves from the boats and clearing the litter with which they had covered their cache. I could hear him tugging at the sail which they had spread over the outer boat. The moonlight was getting brighter, and more stars were coming out, and the jungle was beginning to awaken. A lizard set up a monotonous croak in the branches overhead, and insects and unseen things began ...
— The Devil's Admiral • Frederick Ferdinand Moore

... removed running heads and page numbers, have joined footnotes spread over two or more pages, have moved footnotes to a position immediately below the paragraph that refers to them, and have changed footnote numbers from 1 at the beginning of each note to a sequence of 1-25. I have also enclosed ...
— The Smoky God • Willis George Emerson

... among the people, insensibly attracted the curiosity of their sovereign. When the empress Mammaea passed through Antioch, she expressed a desire of conversing with the celebrated Origen, the fame of whose piety and learning was spread over the East. Origen obeyed so flattering an invitation, and though he could not expect to succeed in the conversion of an artful and ambitious woman, she listened with pleasure to his eloquent exhortations, and honorably dismissed him to his retirement in Palestine. ...
— The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 2 • Edward Gibbon

... used as medicine. Women came and tied old rags on the limbs of the tree, as vows to the wonderful prophet. Nobody knew the name of the prophet, but the tomb was called "Kobr en Nebi," or "tomb of the prophet." A green cloth was spread over the tomb under the dome, and incense was sold by the sheikh to those who wished to heal their sick, or drive out evil spirits from their houses. Pilgrims came from afar to visit the holy place, and its fame extended over all the land. ...
— The Women of the Arabs • Henry Harris Jessup

... little school-teacher, who had come out with her landlady's fifteen-year-old son as an escort and in a little while had settled down to quiet enjoyment of the squatter governor's message, approving with a quiet smile the grin that occasionally spread over Perry's good-humored face. As for me, I was made miserable from the start by seeing Lucretia Knowles in one of the best seats on the floor, with a conceited fool of a newspaper-correspondent at her side, whispering nonsense in her ear at such a rate that she did nothing but laugh and ...
— Lippincott's Magazine, August, 1885 • Various

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