"Splosh" Quotes from Famous Books
... steamed to Helles. The Turks, inconsiderate as usual, were shelling Lancashire Landing as we got ashore. Every living soul had gone to ground. Strolled up the deserted road with an air of careless indifference, hopped casually over a huge splosh of fresh blood, and crossed to Hunter-Weston's Headquarters. Had I only been my simple self, I would have out-stripped the hare for swiftness, as it was, I, as C.-in-C, had to play up to the dugouts. As Hunter-Weston ... — Gallipoli Diary, Volume I • Ian Hamilton
... Richard? Now's your chance," repeated Ned, not to be done. "A very different thing this, I can tell you, from running round dosing people for the collywobbles. I know men who are raising the splosh any way ... — Australia Felix • Henry Handel Richardson
... abide in the lands of Gosh; And they work all day for the sake of Splosh. For Splosh, the First, is the Nation's pride, And King of the Glugs, on his uncle's side. And they sleep at night, for the sake of rest; For their doctors say this suits them best. And they climb the trees, as a ... — The Glugs of Gosh • C. J. Dennis |