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Splash   /splæʃ/   Listen

The sound like water splashing.  Synonym: plash.
A prominent or sensational but short-lived news event.  Synonym: stir.
A small quantity of something moist or liquid.  Synonyms: dab, splatter.  "A splatter of mud" , "Just a splash of whiskey"
A patch of bright color.
The act of splashing a (liquid) substance on a surface.  Synonyms: spatter, spattering, splashing, splattering.
The act of scattering water about haphazardly.  Synonym: splashing.
(past & past part. splashed; pres. part. splashing)
Cause (a liquid) to spatter about, especially with force.  Synonyms: splosh, sprinkle.
Walk through mud or mire.  Synonyms: slop, slosh, splosh, squelch, squish.
Dash a liquid upon or against.  Synonyms: plash, spatter, splatter, splosh, swash.
Mark or overlay with patches of contrasting color or texture; cause to appear splashed or spattered.
Make a splashing sound.  Synonyms: slosh, slush, splosh.
Soil or stain with a splashed liquid.
Strike and dash about in a liquid.

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"Splash" Quotes from Famous Books

... Twilight the gods were seated in the after years, ruling the worlds. No longer now They walked at evening in the Marble City hearing the fountains splash, or listening to the singing of the men they loved, because it was in the after years and the work of the gods was ...
— Time and the Gods • Lord Dunsany [Edward J. M. D. Plunkett]

... eyes until it stood up high and outlined against the strangely-mingled haze. It looked like the ghost of a slight-formed man, hatless and coatless, and for a moment I saw at its upper extremity the dull flash as of a human face in the gloom, before the shadow leaped out far into the night. Splash! When my startled eyes looked down upon the glancing, waving ebony, I thought I could trace a white coruscation of foam spreading out into the darkness, instantly to dissipate and be lost for ever. I did not then know what form it was that swilled down below the glistening current. ...
— Ginx's Baby • Edward Jenkins

... Friends pinned up their Garments and put Resin on their Hands and cut loose. They did the Grizzly Bear and the Mountain Goat and the Turkey Trot and the Bunny Hug and the Kangaroo Flop and the Duck Waddle and the Giraffe Jump and the Rhinoceros Roll and the Walrus Wiggle and the Crocodile Splash and the Apache and the Comanche and the Bowery Twist and the Hula Hula ...
— Knocking the Neighbors • George Ade

... the others embarked was far up the river before the child had ceased to sob and plain for his precious gear. He began to listen curiously to the splash of the oars as they marked time and the boat rode the waves elastically. There was no other sound in all the night-bound world, save once the crisp, sharp bark of a fox came across the water from the dense, dark riparian forests. The mists possessed all the upper atmosphere, ...
— The Ordeal - A Mountain Romance of Tennessee • Charles Egbert Craddock

... effects of double exposure. The substantial and ofttimes corpulent ghost or spirit of the real stage has been succeeded by an intangible wraith, as transparent and unsubstantial as may be demanded in the best book of fairy tales—more double exposure. A man emerges from the water with a splash, ascends feet foremost ten yards or more, makes a graceful curve and lands on a spring-board, runs down it to the bank, and his clothes fly gently up from the ground and enclose his person—all unthinkable in real life, but readily possible by running the ...
— Edison, His Life and Inventions • Frank Lewis Dyer and Thomas Commerford Martin

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