"Sonny" Quotes from Famous Books
... horse kin do something. America's paved with the kind er horse you are—jist plain yaller-dog horse—waitin' ter be whipped inter shape. We call 'em yearlings an' colts when they're young. When they're aged we pound 'em—in this pastur'. Horse, sonny, is what you start from. We know all about horse here, an' he ain't any high-toned, pure souled child o' nature. Horse, plain horse, same ez you, is chock-full o' tricks, an' meannesses, an' cussednesses, an' shirkin's, an' monkey-shines, which he's took ... — The Day's Work, Volume 1 • Rudyard Kipling
... sonny," drawled out one of the men. "We paid you for what you've done for us, and we will pay you still better for simply coming to our camp and staying there a prisoner, until we use that rig of ... — Ralph on the Engine - The Young Fireman of the Limited Mail • Allen Chapman
... "See here, sonny," he expostulated. "You happen to be host, you know. I might be detained out there, ... — Red Pepper Burns • Grace S. Richmond
... have some fun, Someone hollers, "Don't you run!" If I want to go an' play Mother says: "Don't go away." Seems my life is filled clear through With the things I mustn't do. All the time I'm shouted at: "No, no, Sonny, don't do that!" ... — When Day is Done • Edgar A. Guest
... for Mr. Martin; he must call me "Bub," and "Sonny." I might stand "Sonny," but I won't stand being called "Bub" by any living man—not if I can help it. I've told him three or four times, "My name isn't 'Bub,' Mr. Martin. My name's Jim, or Jimmy," but he would just grin in an exhausperating kind of way, and keep on calling ... — Harper's Young People, June 8, 1880 - An Illustrated Weekly • Various