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Slant   /slænt/   Listen

A biased way of looking at or presenting something.  Synonym: angle.
Degree of deviation from a horizontal plane.  Synonyms: pitch, rake.
(past & past part. slanted; pres. part. slanting)
Lie obliquely.
Present with a bias.  Synonyms: angle, weight.
To incline or bend from a vertical position.  Synonyms: angle, lean, tilt, tip.
Heel over.  Synonyms: cant, cant over, pitch, tilt.  "The ceiling is slanting"

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"Slant" Quotes from Famous Books

... breeze came down across the pines, and when Weston, getting in the sheet, headed her close up to it, the boat, slanting sharply, leaped forward through the smooth water. He sat a little farther to windward, and the slant of deck decreased slightly ...
— The Gold Trail • Harold Bindloss

... drew on, the cottage breathed more thrillingly of its native marsh; a creeping chill inhabited its chambers; the fire smoked, and a shower of rain, coming up from the channel on a slant of wind, tingled on the window-panes. At intervals, when the gloom deepened toward despair, Morris would produce the whisky-bottle, and at first John welcomed the diversion—not for long. It has been said this spirit was the worst in Hampshire; only those acquainted with the county can appreciate ...
— The Wrong Box • Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne

... horn to horn, And 'tween the summit and the base did move Lights, scintillating, as they met and pass'd. Thus oft are seen, with ever-changeful glance, Straight or athwart, now rapid and now slow, The atomies of bodies, long or short, To move along the sunbeam, whose slant line Checkers the shadow, interpos'd by art Against the noontide heat. And as the chime Of minstrel music, dulcimer, and help With many strings, a pleasant dining makes To him, who heareth not distinct the note; So from ...
— The Divine Comedy • Dante

... we stood the snow-flakes tossed and rioted, but before they fell upon us being out of the wind, they drifted idly down, come ... in Alpe senza vento. The whole valley was purely white, its outlines blurred by the slant-driving snow. There was not a living creature to be seen, and my dog, a little sharp-nosed black beast, shivered as he looked about, with wide eyes and quick-set ears, for a friendly sight, and held one paw tentatively in the air, as if he feared ...
— Lore of Proserpine • Maurice Hewlett

... moved closer. His manner was intimate and distasteful. "Sometimes I think we business men ought to get more of a slant on our employees.... You know what I mean, not exactly bothering about how many lumps of sugar they take in their coffee, or their taste in after-dinner cheese ... but, well, just how often they have to resole their boots and turn ...
— The Blood Red Dawn • Charles Caldwell Dobie

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