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Site   /saɪt/   Listen

The piece of land on which something is located (or is to be located).  Synonym: land site.
Physical position in relation to the surroundings.  Synonym: situation.
A computer connected to the internet that maintains a series of web pages on the World Wide Web.  Synonyms: internet site, web site, website.
Assign a location to.  Synonyms: locate, place.

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"Site" Quotes from Famous Books

... follow Cabet's leadership, as subsequent events showed. When the clamor rose for a practical test of the theories set forth so alluringly, Cabet visited Robert Owen in England and sought advice as to the best site for such an experiment. Owen recommended Texas, then recently admitted into the union of states and anxious for settlers. Cabet accepted Owen's advice and called for volunteers to form the "advance guard" of settlers, the ...
— Socialism - A Summary and Interpretation of Socialist Principles • John Spargo

... l2-inch plank on its edge, all the way across the dam site, and pegged it down. Above it the water soon formed a little pool and began to flow over the top edge in a very miniature waterfall. Then we turned loose ...
— The Minds and Manners of Wild Animals • William T. Hornaday

... the frontier. Here again he helped to open the way for civilization, finding salt licks, and trails, and land. His son was among the earliest trappers in the passes of the Rocky Mountains, and his party are said to have been the first to camp on the present site of Denver. His grandson, Col. A. J. Boone, of Colorado, was a power among the Indians of the Rocky Mountains, and was appointed an agent by the government. Kit Carson's mother was a Boone.[19:1] Thus ...
— The Frontier in American History • Frederick Jackson Turner

... the road to Vouvray, is La Roche Corbon. The cliff is pierced with windows and doors, and niches for a pigeonry. This, till comparatively recently, was a truly Troglodyte village. But well-to-do inhabitants of Tours have taken a fancy to the site and have reared pretentious villas that mask the face of the cliff, and with the advent of these rich people the humble cave-dwellers have "flitted." One singular feature remains, however, unspoiled. A mass of the cretaceous tufa has slipped bodily down to the foot of the crag, against ...
— Castles and Cave Dwellings of Europe • Sabine Baring-Gould

... vespers, in the church of the Cordeliers. The date was April 1, 1348. That church was long celebrated for her tomb, which contained also the body of Hugues de Sade, her husband. The edifice is stated to be ruined, its very site being converted into a fruit-garden; but the tomb is said to be still entire under the ground: and more than twenty years after the French Revolution, a small cypress was pointed out as marking the spot where Laura ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 215, December 10, 1853 • Various

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