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Shinny   Listen

A simple version of hockey played by children on the streets (or on ice or on a field) using a ball or can as the puck.  Synonym: shinney.
Climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling.  Synonyms: clamber, scramble, shin, skin, sputter, struggle.

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"Shinny" Quotes from Famous Books

... opened with a severe frost preceding the snow, and the Oro was a glittering sheet of ice. In the daytime the school children covered the shining expense, and when a game of shinny was in progress Mr. Watson might ring his bell till it cracked. But in the evenings the grown-up youth of the village appropriated the pond. Every night it was black with skaters, while occasionally a group would spin away up the river under ...
— Duncan Polite - The Watchman of Glenoro • Marian Keith

... band of hand-shakers, all right, all right," asserted the gentleman from Kansas City. "One of 'em tried to keep company with our Caroline, but I wouldn't stand for it. He was a crackin' good shinny player, and he could lead them cotillion-dances blowin' a whistle and callin', 'All right, Up!' or something, like a car-starter,—but, 'Tell me something good about him,' I says to an old friend of his family. Well, he hemmed and hawed—he was a New York gentleman, and says ...
— The Spenders - A Tale of the Third Generation • Harry Leon Wilson

... they found it rare sport to abuse him, they kept it up. By their influence Jack was shut out of the plays. A greenhorn would spoil the game, they said. What did a boy that had lived on Wildcat Creek, in the Indian Reserve, know about playing bull-pen, or prisoner's base, or shinny? If he was brought ...
— The Hoosier School-boy • Edward Eggleston

... hoping bitter platter stopper hopping diner shiny tiny doted dinner shinny tinny dotted cuter hater poker offer cutter hated paper wider holy hatter taper spider holly riding favor diver bony ridding fever gallon bonny biting clover racer bogy bitting over cider boggy caning halo label Mary canning ...
— The Beacon Second Reader • James H. Fassett

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