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Shadow   /ʃˈædˌoʊ/   Listen

Shade within clear boundaries.
An unilluminated area.  Synonyms: dark, darkness.
Something existing in perception only.  Synonyms: apparition, fantasm, phantasm, phantasma, phantom.
A premonition of something adverse.
An indication that something has been present.  Synonyms: tincture, trace, vestige.  "A tincture of condescension"
Refuge from danger or observation.
A dominating and pervasive presence.
A spy employed to follow someone and report their movements.  Synonyms: shadower, tail.
An inseparable companion.
(past & past part. shadowed; pres. part. shadowing)
Follow, usually without the person's knowledge.
Cast a shadow over.  Synonyms: shade, shade off.
Make appear small by comparison.  Synonyms: dwarf, overshadow.

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"Shadow" Quotes from Famous Books

... of getting over difficulties. In reading the New Testament, when we come to a place where we are stopped by something which looks deep and is dark, we are often told, "That darkness is not depth: it is the shadow of a Jewish error ...
— Orthodoxy: Its Truths And Errors • James Freeman Clarke

... a cloud came over his brow. At first it was but a changing shadow; but it settled into a dark veil of sorrow which obscured all his virtues, and made the worthy senior of his room shake his thin grey locks once and again. He shook them more in sorrow than in anger; for he knew that Macassar was in love, and he ...
— The Three Clerks • Anthony Trollope

... Engineers humbugged them. Congress consecrates the engineer as number one. Congress had better send a trustful man to Europe, to the continent, and find out what is considered as number one in the science of warfare. But every luminous body throws a shadow; the Academy of Sciences, and this number one, are the shadows thrown by that ...
— Diary from November 12, 1862, to October 18, 1863 • Adam Gurowski

... nerves worthy an hysterical woman, not a man. It was a heavy journey, far heavier than the one when after my return from abroad I went the first time to Ploszow. I was reflecting upon that terrible incapacity for life which casts its shadow upon my existence and the existence of those like me, and came to the conclusion that its main source is the feminine element which predominates in our character. I do not mean by this that we are physically effeminate or wanting in manly courage. No! it is something quite different. ...
— Without Dogma • Henryk Sienkiewicz

... againe with my Lieutenant Ottigni and a number of souldiers to returne toward the Paracoussy of the riuer of May, which of purpose waited for vs in the same place, where the day before we conferred with him. We found him vnder the shadow of an arbour accompanied with fourescore Indians at the least, and apparelled at that time after the Indian fashion, to wit, with a great Harts skinne dressed like Chamois, and painted with deuices of strange and diuers colours, but of so liuely a portrature, and representing ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of - the English Nation. Vol. XIII. America. Part II. • Richard Hakluyt

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