"Schema" Quotes from Famous Books
... premises, and at the angles formed with them by the slanting or by the perpendicular lines the middle term occurs. The schema of Figure IV. resembles Z, the last letter of the alphabet: this helps one to remember it in contrast with Figure I., which is thereby also remembered. Figures II. and III. seem ... — Logic - Deductive and Inductive • Carveth Read
... anzuthun, unmglich gewesen. Ich habe vielmehr darnach mit Sorgfalt gestrebt, die Versbildung des angelschsischen Gedichtes mir in allen ihren Erscheinungen klar zu machen, und dann frei nach dem gewonnenen Schema gearbeitet. Daher kann ich versichern, dass man fr jeden Vers meiner bersetzung gewiss ein angelschsisches Vorbild findet, wenn auch nicht grade jedesmal die Verse einander decken. Dass dabei brigens ... — The Translations of Beowulf - A Critical Biography • Chauncey Brewster Tinker
... style cultivates variation from the customary, by which it becomes clever, more dignified, and altogether more attractive. The turn of expression is called a Trope, and change of construction is called a Schema. The forms of these are described in technical treatises. Let us examine if any of these is omitted by Homer or whether anything else was discovered by his successors which he himself did not ... — Essays and Miscellanies - The Complete Works Volume 3 • Plutarch
... sometimes to a marked and even scandalous degree. As legend becomes in a few generations preposterous myth, so history, after a few rehandlings and condensations, becomes unblushing theory. Now theory—when we use the word for a schema of things' relations and not for contemplation of them in their detail and fulness—is an expedient to cover ignorance and remedy confusion. The function of history, if it could be thoroughly fulfilled, ... — The Life of Reason • George Santayana |