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Rooted   /rˈutəd/  /rˈutɪd/   Listen

Absolutely still.  Synonyms: frozen, stock-still.  "They stood rooted in astonishment"


(past & past part. rooted; pres. part. rooting)
Take root and begin to grow.
Come into existence, originate.
Plant by the roots.
Dig with the snout.  Synonyms: rootle, rout.
Become settled or established and stable in one's residence or life style.  Synonyms: settle, settle down, steady down, take root.
Cause to take roots.

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"Rooted" Quotes from Famous Books

... would show my soul in these pages, like a face in a pool of clear water; and although my studio was in truth no more than an amusement, and a means of effectually throwing over all restraint, I did not view it at all in this light. My love of Art was very genuine and deep-rooted; the tobacconist's betting-book was now as nothing, and a certain Botticelli in the National Gallery held me in tether. And when I look back and consider the past, I am forced to admit that I might have grown up in less fortunate circumstances, ...
— Confessions of a Young Man • George Moore

... still thus encumbered, is a mere vistal opening in the woods, from which only the underwood has been removed. The more slender saplings have been cut down or rooted up; the tangle of parasitical plants have been torn from the trees; the cane-brake has been fired; and the brush, collected in heaps, has melted away upon the blazing pile. Only a few stumps of inferior thickness give evidence, that ...
— The Wild Huntress - Love in the Wilderness • Mayne Reid

... been so blind to its symptoms. Life without the sunshine of Elizabeth's presence was a problem he had never faced. That he and she belonged to each other since the beginning of time had always been his deep-rooted conviction. And now he had lost her, and had realized it for the first time on the very day when he had found the true glorious meaning of life. His senses were numbed by the irony of his fate. He was conscious only of the fact that he had received a blow, and that he must ...
— 'Lizbeth of the Dale • Marian Keith

... to start back toward the sled, but found his foot rooted to the trail. He glanced down and saw that he stood in a fresh deposit of frozen red. There was red ice on his torn pants leg and on the moccasin beneath. With a quick effort he broke the frozen clutch of his blood and hobbled along the trail to the sled. ...
— The Turtles of Tasman • Jack London

... and patient be my life as thine; As strong to wrestle with the storms of time; [15] As deeply rooted in a soil of love; As grandly ...
— Miscellaneous Writings, 1883-1896 • Mary Baker Eddy

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