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Ringtail   Listen

Raccoon-like omnivorous mammal of Mexico and the southwestern United States having a long bushy tail with black and white rings.  Synonyms: Bassariscus astutus, bassarisk, cacomistle, cacomixle, civet cat, coon cat, miner's cat, raccoon fox, ring-tailed cat.
North American raccoon.  Synonyms: common raccoon, common racoon, coon, Procyon lotor.
Monkey of Central America and South America having thick hair on the head that resembles a monk's cowl.  Synonyms: capuchin, Cebus capucinus.
An immature golden eagle.

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"Ringtail" Quotes from Famous Books

... were not,—hang em!]—as I was coming out of the church I felt a feller punch me in the back—so I turned round to hit him back, when I see the feller, as had stood by me in the ranks the day before, all covered over with dirt, and mad as a ringtail hornet. ...
— Continental Monthly, Vol. I., No. IV., April, 1862 - Devoted To Literature And National Policy • Various

... her dad are millionaires! I suppose you're trying to rub in your exalted social position! Well, let me tell you that your revered paternal ancestor, Henry T., doesn't even call it a 'Tux.'! He calls it a 'bobtail jacket for a ringtail monkey,' and you couldn't get him into one unless you ...
— Babbitt • Sinclair Lewis

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