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Recite   /rəsˈaɪt/   Listen

(past & past part. recited; pres. part. reciting)
Recite in elocution.  Synonym: declaim.
Repeat aloud from memory.  "The pupil recited his lesson for the day"
Render verbally,.  Synonym: retell.  "Retell a story"
Narrate or give a detailed account of.  Synonyms: narrate, recount, tell.  "The father told a story to his child"
Specify individually.  Synonyms: enumerate, itemise, itemize.  "The doctor recited the list of possible side effects of the drug"

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"Recite" Quotes from Famous Books

... "Our monarch, who is named king Norandine (Fully to you the matter to recite), Through many and many a year for her did pine, Above all other damsels fair and bright, The king of Cyprus' daughter; whom, in fine, Espoused, he, with his bride, and dame, and knight, To wait upon her home, a fair ...
— Orlando Furioso • Lodovico Ariosto

... embroidering albs and altar-cloths in a delicate manner. But at times she, would lose all strength, and be unable to do even this light work. When she was not confined to her bed she spent long days in an easy-chair, her only diversion being to recite her rosary or to read some pious work. Now that she had learnt to read, books interested her, especially the beautiful stories of conversion, the delightful legends in which saints of both sexes appear, and the splendid and terrible dramas in which the devil is baffled and ...
— The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete - Lourdes, Rome and Paris • Emile Zola

... words upon that day of the week which throughout the Roman Empire was held sacred to the Sun-God and throughout Christendom is called Sun-day, Constantine made his troops, assembled under what was admittedly a solar symbol, recite at a given time, which was probably dawn or mid-day, a prayer commencing "We acknowledge thee to be God alone, and own that our victories are due to thy favour."[57] Who could this God have been but the Sun-God, seeing that it was to the Sun-God that Constantine ...
— The Non-Christian Cross - An Enquiry Into the Origin and History of the Symbol Eventually Adopted as That of Our Religion • John Denham Parsons

... a limp and ugly figure carried in a chair by two bearers and attended by a lean female with a face like a pinched mask, who might be expected immediately to recite the popular verses commemorative of the time when they did contrive to blow Old England up alive but for her keeping her lips tightly and defiantly closed as the chair is put down. At which point the figure in it gasping, "O Lord! Oh, dear me! I am shaken!" adds, ...
— Bleak House • Charles Dickens

... the original (Villani, Book vii. C. 89) is Giocolari, the Italian form of the French jongleur,—the appellation of those whose profession was to sing or recite the verses of the troubadours or the ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Volume 3, Issue 15, January, 1859 • Various

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