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Queen   /kwin/   Listen

The only fertile female in a colony of social insects such as bees and ants and termites; its function is to lay eggs.
A female sovereign ruler.  Synonyms: female monarch, queen regnant.
The wife or widow of a king.
Something personified as a woman who is considered the best or most important of her kind.  "The queen of ocean liners"
A competitor who holds a preeminent position.  Synonyms: king, world-beater.
Offensive term for an openly homosexual man.  Synonyms: fag, faggot, fagot, fairy, nance, pansy, poof, poove, pouf, queer.
One of four face cards in a deck bearing a picture of a queen.
(chess) the most powerful piece.
An especially large mole rat and the only member of a colony of naked mole rats to bear offspring which are sired by only a few males.  Synonym: queen mole rat.
Female cat.  Synonym: tabby.
(past & past part. queened; pres. part. queening)
Promote to a queen, as of a pawn in chess.
Become a queen.

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"Queen" Quotes from Famous Books

... have been prepared for the whole party, but as they were not ready, Mr. Pickwick undertook, despite all the protestations to the contrary of Angelo Bantam, to send Sam for them at four o'clock in the afternoon, to the M.C.'s house in Queen Square. Having taken a short walk through the city, and arrived at the unanimous conclusion that Park Street was very much like the perpendicular streets a man sees in a dream, which he cannot get up for the life of him, they returned to the White Hart, ...
— The Pickwick Papers • Charles Dickens

... sweep the Spaniards off the seas, and give Britain the supremacy over all those demesnes. This was the beginning of a distinguished partnership composed of Messieurs John Hawkins and his kinsman Francis Drake, and of Elizabeth their Queen. Elizabeth did not openly avow herself one of the partners; she would have indignantly denied it had it been hinted at; yet it is pretty certain that the cruises of her faithful Hawkins and Drake substantially increased her wealth, while they diminished that of Spanish ...
— Windjammers and Sea Tramps • Walter Runciman

... titles only appear to have reached us, such as "The Carman's Whistle," "Watkin's Ale," "Chopping Knives," they were probably appropriated to the respective trades they indicate. The tune of the "Carman's Whistle" was composed by Bird, and the favourite tune of "Queen Elizabeth" may be found in the collection called "Queen Elizabeth's Virginal Book." One who has lately heard it played says, "that it has more air than the other execrable compositions in her Majesty's book, something resembling a ...
— Curiosities of Literature, Vol. II (of 3) - Edited, With Memoir And Notes, By His Son, The Earl Of Beaconsfield • Isaac D'Israeli

... under the immediate control of the Colonial Office. The Bishop of Calcutta would, from the first, have been glad to part with so distant a portion of his then unwieldy diocese, but it could not at that time be effected. As soon as the Straits Settlements were passed over to the Queen's Government, the Bishop of Labuan became virtually the Bishop of the Straits, and, even long before that, performed all episcopal functions in those settlements; but the title has only ...
— Sketches of Our Life at Sarawak • Harriette McDougall

... the poor singer of Tannhauser to relate his painful recollections of Rome to a gay and lively waltz-rhythm (which, again, reminds me of Lohengrin's narrative about the Holy Grail, at Wiesbaden, where I heard it recited scherzando, as though it were about Queen Mab). But as I was, in this case, dealing with so excellent a representative of Tannhauser as Ludwig Schnorr, [Footnote: Ludwig Schnorr von Carolsfeld, the first "Tristan" died 1865.] I was bound to establish the right tempo, and, for once, respectfully to ...
— On Conducting (Ueber das Dirigiren): - A Treatise on Style in the Execution of Classical Music • Richard Wagner (translated by Edward Dannreuther)

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