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Pungency   Listen

Wit having a sharp and caustic quality.  Synonym: bite.  "The bite of satire"
A strong odor or taste property.  Synonyms: bite, raciness, sharpness.  "The sulfurous bite of garlic" , "The sharpness of strange spices" , "The raciness of the wine"

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"Pungency" Quotes from Famous Books

... when used in buildings on account of this superfluity of moisture, yet they can be kept to a great age without rotting, because the liquid contained within their substances has a bitter taste which by its pungency prevents the entrance of decay or of those little creatures which are destructive. Hence, buildings made of these kinds of wood last for an ...
— Ten Books on Architecture • Vitruvius

... to buy his own snuff, it would give him no sensation. The strongest would not make him sneeze, or wring from the sensibility of his eyes the smallest tribute to its pungency. He would turn up his nose at it, or, at the best, use it as sand-dust to receipt ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 1, December 11, 1841 • Various

... character was Mr. Nathan Gore, of Massachusetts, a handsome man with a grey beard, a straight, sharply cut nose, and a fine, penetrating eye; in his youth a successful poet whose satires made a noise in their day, and are still remembered for the pungency and wit of a few verses; then a deep student in Europe for many years, until his famous "History of Spain in America" placed him instantly at the head of American historians, and made him minister at Madrid, where he remained four years ...
— Democracy An American Novel • Henry Adams

... dispensed unto any one that had offended scandalously... the hearers would be all drowned in tears, as if the admonition had been, as indeed he would with much artifice make it be directed unto them all; but such would be the compassion, and yet the gravity, the majesty, the scriptural and awful pungency of these his dispensations, that the conscience of the offender himself, could make no resistance thereunto." [Footnote: Magnalia, bk. 4, ch. iv. ...
— The Emancipation of Massachusetts • Brooks Adams

... foreigners are usually afraid of. The Norwegians are fond of things with a pronounced flavor, the more pronounced the better, and cheese is one of the chief articles of diet. A Norwegian housewife would not consider a meal complete without five or six different kinds of cheese of all degrees of pungency in taste and odor upon the table. At breakfast you are served sardines, anchovies, smoked salmon, dried herring and five or six other kinds of fish and an equal variety of cheese before they think of offering ...
— Norwegian Life • Ethlyn T. Clough

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