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Proscribed   /proʊskrˈaɪbd/   Listen

Excluded from use or mention.  Synonyms: forbidden, out, prohibited, taboo, tabu, verboten.  "In our house dancing and playing cards were out" , "A taboo subject"


(past & past part. proscribed; pres. part. proscribing)
Command against.  Synonyms: disallow, forbid, interdict, nix, prohibit, veto.  "Mother vetoed the trip to the chocolate store" , "Dad nixed our plans"

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"Proscribed" Quotes from Famous Books

... employed: she was to work upon his mind by means of Clara. On returning to her cottage one night, she found suspended from the thatch one of those strange fantastic charms with which the Indian sorceresses terrify those whom they have proscribed. Clara, unable to conquer her terror, repaired again to Esther, who received her first in mysterious silence; but, after she had implored her forgiveness for the past, and with all possible humility conjured her to grant her future protection, the ...
— Tales & Novels, Vol. 2 • Maria Edgeworth

... animation and carnal desire—perhaps by potations, though his large lower jaw denoted ample animal courage. He was powerful enough in the long arms and strong hands to have mastered the girl and her father, but it was not the dread of his prowess physically which awed the daughter of the race still proscribed in ...
— The Son of Clemenceau • Alexandre (fils) Dumas

... apothecaries. (Pragmaticas del Reyno, fol. 5, 6.) This was visiting the sins of the fathers, to an extent unparalleled in modern legislation. The sovereigns might find a precedent in a law of Sylla, excluding the children of the proscribed Romans from political honors; thus indignantly noticed by Sallust. "Quin solus omnium, post memoriam hominum, supplicia in post futuros composuit; quis prius injuria quam vita certa esset." Hist. ...
— History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella V1 • William H. Prescott

... blood—for man, like the inferior animals, seems maddened by the taste of blood—and one cruelty is but the prelude and provocation of another; and in the time of strife, while all were made executioners of the law, private malice would confound others with the proscribed, and few could be safe ...
— Notable Women of Olden Time • Anonymous

... translating the ills of ailing San Francisco to this medical oracle, and dispensing his prescriptions—usually small powders—in exchange for current coin. In vain the regular practitioners pointed out that the Chinese possessed no superior medical knowledge, and that their religion, which proscribed dissection and autopsies, naturally limited their understanding of the body into which they put their drugs. Finally they prevailed upon an eminent Chinese authority to give them a list of the remedies generally used in the Chinese pharmacopoeia, and this was privately circulated. ...
— Under the Redwoods • Bret Harte

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