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Prognosticate   /prˌɑgnˈɑstəkˌeɪt/   Listen

(past & past part. prognosticated; pres. part. prognosticating)
Make a prediction about; tell in advance.  Synonyms: anticipate, call, forebode, foretell, predict, promise.

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"Prognosticate" Quotes from Famous Books

... yielding with reluctance to the earnest solicitations of many eminent scientific friends, he has been induced to place the Lectures before the public in their present form. Should they meet with that success which his sanguine friends prognosticate, the author may be induced subsequently to publish them in the form of a text-book, for the use of the higher schools and universities; it being his greatest ambition to render himself useful in his day and generation by widely disseminating the information he has acquired among those who, less ...
— The Wit and Humor of America, Volume V. (of X.) • Various

... individual. His renown depends upon his own audacity and the opinion of the tribe. He is said to possess the power to look into futurity; to become acquainted with the affairs and intentions of men; to prognosticate the success or misfortune of hunters and warriors, as well as other affairs of various individuals, and to call from any living human being the soul, or, more strictly speaking, the shadow, thus depriving the victim of reason, and even of life. His power consists in invoking, and causing evil, ...
— Seventh Annual Report • Various

... are one or two sensations which after experience at sea seldom deceive you as to what they prognosticate, though it is impossible to give reasons for their hold upon the mind. One is the feeling, "I am drifting," another, "The water is shoaling," and the third, "Here comes a breeze." Each of these may be felt and recognised even with ...
— The Voyage Alone in the Yawl "Rob Roy" • John MacGregor

... Royalty, and, as in sport, To hold a mimic formal court; Permitted—no uncommon thing— To be a kind of puppet king, And suffer'd, by the way of toy, To hold a globe, but not employ; Our system-mongers, struck with fear, Prognosticate destruction near; All things to anarchy must run; The little world of man's undone. 180 Nay, should the Eye, that nicest sense, Neglect to send intelligence Unto the Brain, distinct and clear, Of all that passes in ...
— Poetical Works • Charles Churchill

... and although the day was bright, a mist here, snowy white, there crimson with sunbeams, again darkening into purplish blue, and elsewhere of a heavy and leaden obscurity, hung over the greater part of the sky, and made it a doubtful task to prognosticate, with any degree of certainty, the state of the weather for even ...
— Adrift in the Ice-Fields • Charles W. Hall

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