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Plunge   /pləndʒ/   Listen

A brief swim in water.  Synonym: dip.
A steep and rapid fall.
(past & past part. plunged; pres. part. plunging)
Thrust or throw into.  Synonym: immerse.
Drop steeply.  Synonyms: dive, plunk.
Dash violently or with great speed or impetuosity.
Begin with vigor.  Synonym: launch.  "She plunged into a dangerous adventure"
Cause to be immersed.  Synonym: immerse.
Fall abruptly.  Synonym: dump.
Immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate.  Synonyms: dip, douse, dunk, souse.  "Dip the brush into the paint"
Devote (oneself) fully to.  Synonyms: absorb, engross, engulf, immerse, soak up, steep.

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"Plunge" Quotes from Famous Books

... and waste of it. Norah declared that it was so, and it looked like it. And more than anything it showed where my poor Viola had got to. It was so unlike her to lie, so unlike her to stand aside, where you would have thought she would have most wanted to plunge in; the calculation and the indifference both were so beyond her that you could only think one thing: she hated it; she hated the new turn his prosperity had taken; she almost hated him because of it; and her heart was broken because of Reggie, ...
— The Belfry • May Sinclair

... a narrow bridle path which admitted only one man at a time. They were then compelled to gather their horses and leap into the river, over the bluff about four feet high. Horse and man would generally be submerged by the plunge—a cold bath very unpleasant in such weather. The ascent on the other side was nearly as difficult. In a little while the passage of the horses rendered the approach to the river even more difficult. The ford ...
— History of Morgan's Cavalry • Basil W. Duke

... the bull locked horns, after the latter had again gained his feet, his tremendous bulk pushed Apollo back, at the first onset; but they noticed a peculiar tactic on the part of Apollo. The latter at each forward plunge twisted his head, first to the right, and then to the left, as though he was boring his way in. This was an astonishing thing to the stranger. This was done by Apollo over and over again, and now, every time they met, and the twisting ...
— The Wonder Island Boys: Exploring the Island • Roger Thompson Finlay

... of taking a morning bath is to be preferred to the plunge into a tub filled with cold water. While persons with very strong constitutions may experience no ill effects, to those who are weak and do not react readily, the cold plunge might prove a severe shock and ...
— Nature Cure • Henry Lindlahr

... ascending to the surface except when work took them there. Since for most of them this was the sort of life to which they had been born, they found no great misery in such circumstances; but for people like Denton and Elizabeth, such a plunge would have seemed more terrible ...
— Tales of Space and Time • Herbert George Wells

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