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Plenteousness   Listen

A full supply.  Synonyms: plenitude, plentifulness, plentitude, plenty.

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"Plenteousness" Quotes from Famous Books

... and related to him her discovery of his condition, and how she disposed of the Jewel to the broker, and of the scourging of Boolp; and he praised her, and clave to her, and they laughed and delighted their souls in plenteousness, and bliss was their portion; ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... uninjuriousness; because nothing is found more single than Thee: and what less injurious, since they are his own works which injure the sinner? Yea, sloth would fain be at rest; but what stable rest besides the Lord? Luxury affects to be called plenty and abundance; but Thou art the fulness and never-failing plenteousness of incorruptible pleasures. Prodigality presents a shadow of liberality: but Thou art the most overflowing Giver of all good. Covetousness would possess many things; and Thou possessest all things. Envy disputes for ...
— The Confessions of Saint Augustine • Saint Augustine

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