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Plane   /pleɪn/   Listen

An aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets.  Synonyms: aeroplane, airplane.
(mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape.  Synonym: sheet.  "Any line joining two points on a plane lies wholly on that plane"
A level of existence or development.
A power tool for smoothing or shaping wood.  Synonyms: planer, planing machine.
A carpenter's hand tool with an adjustable blade for smoothing or shaping wood.  Synonyms: carpenter's plane, woodworking plane.
(past & past part. planed; pres. part. planing)
Cut or remove with or as if with a plane.  Synonym: shave.
Travel on the surface of water.  Synonym: skim.
Make even or smooth, with or as with a carpenter's plane.
Having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another.  Synonyms: flat, level.  "Acres of level farmland" , "A plane surface" , "Skirts sewn with fine flat seams"

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"Plane" Quotes from Famous Books

... conditions. The expulsion of one evil has to be effected by the help of another; and the weather was bad with a vengeance. During the two weeks that followed October 20 there were only three or four days that offered any chance of working with the theodolite and plane-table. We managed to get a base-line measured, 1,000 metres long, and to lay out the greater part of the east side of the bay, as well as the most prominent points round the camp; but one had positively to snatch one's opportunities by ...
— The South Pole, Volumes 1 and 2 • Roald Amundsen

... Mr. Plane's doubts were set at rest by John's confident manner, and he suppressed the caution which he had intended to give him. It made little difference, however, for John was headstrong, and would have been pretty certain to disregard ...
— Frank's Campaign - or the Farm and the Camp • Horatio Alger, Jr.

... them, a huge "old man" gorilla, brandished an immense stone which he hurled with vicious energy at the new arrivals. Luckily it fell short of the air-ship or it would have crashed through the plane covers and have seriously crippled, if not ruined, ...
— The Boy Aviators in Africa • Captain Wilbur Lawton

... later "L" Company supported in the nick of time by two platoons of "I" Company repulsed a savage counter-attack staged by the Red Guards, September 16th, on a morning that followed the capture of a crashing Red bombing plane in the evening and the midnight conflagration in "L" Company's fortified camp that might have been misinterpreted as an evacuation by the Bolo. In this engagement Lieut. Gordon B. Reese and his platoon of "I" Company marked themselves with distinction by charging the Reds as a ...
— The History of the American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki - Campaigning in North Russia 1918-1919 • Joel R. Moore

... human life." Differing from both, the Anti-Revolutionists assert, "Whosoever leaves the firm ground of God's Word, the Holy Scriptures, as the only true basis for public and private action, can have neither sound politics nor sound economics." The Roman Catholics also put religion on the first plane, but they are in the most difficult position of all. They are a minority, even a decreasing minority, and know perfectly well that they will never be a majority; so they recognize that in the first place they must try to be good Dutchmen, faithful, loyal citizens ...
— Dutch Life in Town and Country • P. M. Hough

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