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Perforated   /pˈərfərˌeɪtəd/  /pˈərfərˌeɪtɪd/   Listen

Having a hole cut through.  Synonyms: perforate, pierced, punctured.  "A perforated eardrum" , "A punctured balloon"
Having a number or series of holes.  "Perforated cancellation" , "Perforated stamp"


(past & past part. perforated; pres. part. perforating)
Make a hole into or between, as for ease of separation.  Synonym: punch.
Pass into or through, often by overcoming resistance.  Synonym: penetrate.

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"Perforated" Quotes from Famous Books

... midst of the flames, scattering the flashing sparks in all directions. With a furious yell the hound fastened upon the prey, and soon dragged forth from the flames the lifeless body of an immense panther, from one of whose perforated eyes the life-blood flowed in a copious stream. The Indian was greatly elated at his successful shot, and after removing with his knife one of its sharp claws as a trophy, and heaping fresh logs on the flames, he spread out his blanket ...
— The International Monthly, Volume 5, No. 3, March, 1852 • Various

... her lodge she used the harpoon to cut out a door in the upper end of the can. After cutting several holes in one side, she placed it on the ice with the perforated side up and put a strip of blubber within. This she lighted. It gave forth a smoky fire, with little heat, but much oil collected in the can. Seeing this, she began fraying out the silk ribbon of her pajamas. When she had secured a sufficient amount ...
— Triple Spies • Roy J. Snell

... enough," and with a little laugh she pointed to a pebble lying between us, on which was a piece of battered sweetmeat in a perforated bamboo box. Poor An had given me something just like that in a playful mood, and I had kept it in my pocket for her sake, being, as you will have doubtless observed, a sentimental young man, and now I clapped my hand where it should have ...
— Gulliver of Mars • Edwin L. Arnold

... which is circular and about an inch in diameter, the blade itself being not more than an inch wide, the handle is straight, and twelve or fifteen inches long; the whole weighing about a pound. By way of ornament, the blade is perforated with several circular holes. The length of the blade compared with the shortness of the handle render it a weapon of very little strength, particularly as it is always used on horseback: there is still however another form which ...
— History of the Expedition under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark, Vol. I. • Meriwether Lewis and William Clark

... dwelt, perhaps too long upon this painful subject; but let my reader now accompany me a little farther, and the scene shall be changed. Does he see that long, low, white house, with a tall, steep roof, perforated with innumerable narrow windows. There are a few straggling beech trees, upon a low, bleak-looking field before the house, which is called, par excellence, the lawn; a pig or two, some geese, and a tethered ...
— The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer, Complete • Charles James Lever (1806-1872)

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