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Pattern   /pˈætərn/   Listen

A perceptual structure.  Synonyms: form, shape.  "A visual pattern must include not only objects but the spaces between them"
A customary way of operation or behavior.  Synonym: practice.  "They changed their dietary pattern"
A decorative or artistic work.  Synonyms: design, figure.
Something regarded as a normative example.  Synonyms: convention, formula, normal, rule.  "Violence is the rule not the exception" , "His formula for impressing visitors"
A model considered worthy of imitation.
Something intended as a guide for making something else.  Synonyms: blueprint, design.  "A pattern for a skirt"
The path that is prescribed for an airplane that is preparing to land at an airport.  Synonyms: approach pattern, traffic pattern.  "They stayed in the pattern until the fog lifted"
Graphical representation (in polar or Cartesian coordinates) of the spatial distribution of radiation from an antenna as a function of angle.  Synonyms: radiation diagram, radiation pattern.
(past & past part. patterned; pres. part. patterning)
Plan or create according to a model or models.  Synonym: model.
Form a pattern.

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"Pattern" Quotes from Famous Books

... covered her hands; yet that spirit of gaiety, which had seemed to me to resemble the spirit of the bird singing in the old grey house, still showed in her voice and her smile. As she brewed the tea in the little brown tea-pot and poured it into the delicate cups, with the faded pattern of moss rosebuds around the brim, I wondered, half in a dream, from what inexhaustible source she drew this courage which faced life, not with endurance, but with blitheness. Were the ghosts of the dead Blands and Fairfaxes from whom she had sprung fighting ...
— The Romance of a Plain Man • Ellen Glasgow

... when they were shortly afterwards displayed at the door of a little second-hand shop of no very good repute, where such things were taken in exchange for gin, was more than once observed to handle them approvingly, as if admiring some curious novelty in the pattern, and considering them an improvement ...
— David Copperfield • Charles Dickens

... it. A practice to which, since he never departs from it, he must have been determined by some cogent reason. He probably deemed it a formality necessary to the majesty of his narration. In this article, therefore, I have scrupulously adhered to my pattern, considering these introductory lines as heralds in a procession; important persons, because employed to usher in persons more important ...
— The Iliad of Homer - Translated into English Blank Verse • Homer

... is not the exact truth." That ought to make such a revelation of the religious diary-keeper to himself as to make him ashamed of himself. And this will fit in here: "Our consciences are not of the same pattern, an inner deliverance of fixed laws—they are the voice of sensibilities as various as our memories;" and this: "Every strong feeling makes to itself a conscience of ...
— The Essays of "George Eliot" - Complete • George Eliot

... practices that had been legal. Further economic problems are two consecutive bad harvests, 1998-99, and persistent trade deficits. Close relations with Russia, possibly leading to reunion, color the pattern of economic developments. For the time being, Belarus remains self-isolated from the West ...
— The 2001 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.

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