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Pat   /pæt/   Listen

The sound made by a gentle blow.  Synonyms: rap, tap.
A light touch or stroke.  Synonyms: dab, tap.
(past & past part. patted; pres. part. patting)
Pat or squeeze fondly or playfully, especially under the chin.  Synonym: chuck.
Hit lightly.  Synonym: dab.
Having only superficial plausibility.  Synonyms: glib, slick.  "A slick commercial"
Exactly suited to the occasion.
Completely or perfectly.  "Had the system down pat"

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"Pat" Quotes from Famous Books

... scene with cynical malice. "Quite a hero, ain't he? If you want to know, I stand pat. Mr. Fraser from Texas don't draw the wool over my eyes none. Right now I serve notice to that effect. Meantime, since I don't aim to join the happy circle of his admirers, I reckon ...
— A Texas Ranger • William MacLeod Raine

... pictures. In the grounds he received all the confidences of the unhappy patients and their complaints (one young fellow bitterly appealing to him on the hardship of not being allowed to smoke, while he had a pipe in his mouth at the time). He would pat others on the back and encourage them in quite a professional manner. Of all these Swift localities I had made little vignette drawings in "wash," which greatly pleased him and were to have been engraved in the book. They ...
— John Forster • Percy Hethrington Fitzgerald

... much of a surprise to me as to any one," said Max, sitting down by the bed. "On Friday I expected to spend my Sunday in Paris. But it chanced that I successfully engineered a rather ticklish job for the Embassy, and the Chief was pleased. As a figurative pat upon the head he gave me the week-end off. You should have seen the way my car went to Granville! Jean drove till we were clear of Paris and then I took the wheel and things began to hum. From the tail of my eye I could see ...
— The Spanish Chest • Edna A. Brown

... right,' with an approving nod; 'you look ever so much nicer and younger when you smile. Well, what did the prime minister say? Was she very gushing and sympathetic? Did she patronise you in a ladylike way, and pat you on the head metaphorically, until you felt ready to box her ears? Ah! I know la belle ...
— Uncle Max • Rosa Nouchette Carey

... full well that if we did so imprudent a thing, the active men in the ranks of the enemy would pull every wire of influence and use every method of threats and coercion to wean the votes away from us. We "stood pat" and watched with interest every move made by the other side. In his final statement before the joint meeting of the Legislature Smith boldly announced his election to the Senate on the strength of the number of ...
— Woodrow Wilson as I Know Him • Joseph P. Tumulty

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