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Passado   Listen

(pl. passados, passadoes)
(fencing) an attacking thrust made with one foot forward and the back leg straight and with the sword arm outstretched forward.  Synonyms: lunge, straight thrust.

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"Passado" Quotes from Famous Books

... an excellent strength: Yet was Salomon so seduced, and hee had a very good witte. Cupids Butshaft is too hard for Hercules Clubbe, and therefore too much ods for a Spaniards Rapier: The first and second cause will not serue my turne: the Passado hee respects not, the Duello he regards not; his disgrace is to be called Boy, but his glorie is to subdue men. Adue Valour, rust Rapier, bee still Drum, for your manager is in loue; yea hee loueth. Assist me some extemporall god of Rime, for I am sure I shall turne ...
— The First Folio [35 Plays] • William Shakespeare

... Mr Hately, being unable to rejoin his companions, was forced to land at Cape Passado in lat. 0 deg. 25' S. on the coast of Guayaquil, where he and his people were barbarously used by a mixed race between the Indians and negroes; but were rescued by a priest, and sent to Lima, ...
— A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume X • Robert Kerr

... against; dead set at. storm, storming; boarding, escalade^; siege, investment, obsession^, bombardment, cannonade. fire, volley; platoon fire, file fire; fusillade; sharpshooting, broadside; raking fire, cross fire; volley of grapeshot, whiff of the grape, feu d'enfer [Fr.]. cut, thrust, lunge, pass, passado^, carte and tierce [Fr.], home thrust; coupe de bec [Fr.]; kick, punch &c (impulse) 276. battue^, razzia^, Jacquerie, dragonnade^; devastation &c 162; eboulement [Fr.]. assailant, aggressor, invader. base of operations, ...
— Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget

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