"Paramour" Quotes from Famous Books
... (Vol. ii., p. 6.) will find a case of burning in Dodsley's Annual Register, 1769, p. 117.: a Susannah Lott was burned for the murder of her husband at Canterbury, Benjamin Buss, her paramour, being hanged about fifteen minutes ... — Notes and Queries, Number 34, June 22, 1850 • Various
... demand chastity on the part of his wife if he himself was guilty of infidelity or did not set her an example of good conduct,[84]—a maxim which present day lawyers may reflect upon with profit. A father was permitted to put to death his daughter and her paramour if she was still in his power and if he caught her in the act at his own house or that of his son-in-law; otherwise he could not.[85] He must, however, put both man and woman to death at once, when caught in the act; to reserve ... — A Short History of Women's Rights • Eugene A. Hecker
... love. maternal love, storge [Gr.], parental love; young love, puppy love. attractiveness; popularity; favorite &c 899. lover, suitor, follower, admirer, adorer, wooer, amoret^, beau, sweetheart, inamorato [It], swain, young man, flame, love, truelove; leman^, Lothario, gallant, paramour, amoroso^, cavaliere servente [It], captive, cicisbeo^; caro sposo [It]. inamorata, ladylove, idol, darling, duck, Dulcinea, angel, goddess, cara sposa [It]. betrothed, affianced, fiancee. flirt, coquette; amorette^; pair of turtledoves; abode of love, agapemone^. ... — Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget
... himself by a bold stroke in Spain. He proposed the partition of Portugal to that power, and, under that pretext, sent troops across the Pyrenees. The licentious queen of Spain, Maria Louisa Theresa of Parma, and her paramour, Godoy, who had, on account of the treaty between France and Spain, received the title of Prince of Peace, reigned at that time in the name of the imbecile king, Charles IV. His son, Ferdinand, placed himself at the head of the democratic faction, by which Godoy was regarded with the most ... — Germany from the Earliest Period Vol. 4 • Wolfgang Menzel, Trans. Mrs. George Horrocks
... this paramour, straight dyes, As certainly, as if pronounc'd by fate, Who doth with duty please her, needs must rise, Her face directeth both his loue and hate. The grosest flatterer is held most wise. Now reignes swolne gluttony, red lust, and pride: For when the heart's corrupted in a state, Needs must ... — Seven Minor Epics of the English Renaissance (1596-1624) • Dunstan Gale