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Overflow   /ˈoʊvərflˌoʊ/  /ˌoʊvərflˈoʊ/   Listen

A large flow.  Synonyms: flood, outpouring.
The occurrence of surplus liquid (as water) exceeding the limit or capacity.  Synonyms: overspill, runoff.
(past overflowed; past part. overflown; pres. part. overflowing)
Flow or run over (a limit or brim).  Synonyms: brim over, overrun, run over, well over.
Overflow with a certain feeling.  Synonyms: bubble over, spill over.  "My boss was bubbling over with anger"

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"Overflow" Quotes from Famous Books

... their native seats? Were they permanently to transfer their deathless citizenship from the sky to Judea? Were the constitution of human nature and the essence of human society to be abrogated, and the members of the human family to cease enlarging, lest they should overflow the borders of the world? Was God himself literally to desert his ancient abode, and, with the celestial city and all its angelic hierarchy, float from the desolated firmament to Mount Zion, there to set up ...
— The Destiny of the Soul - A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life • William Rounseville Alger

... attached, but rather to prevent the occurrence of a flash at all, by gradually and gently drawing off the electricity as fast as it gathers before it has had time to collect in sufficient force for a destructive discharge. It resembles in effect an overflow pipe which drains off the surplus water of a pond as soon as it runs in, in such a manner as to prevent the possibility of an inundation, which might occur if the water were allowed to collect in force ...
— Falling in Love - With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science • Grant Allen

... the charm which simple animal content has for us, is connected with the memories of childhood. We can all recall a period of our lives when there was joy in the consciousness of living—when animal life, in its spontaneous overflow, flooded all our careless hours with its own peculiar pleasure. The light was pleasant to our eyes, vigorous appetite and digestion made ambrosia of the homeliest fare, the simplest play brought delight, and life—all untried—lay spread out before us in one long, golden ...
— Lessons in Life - A Series of Familiar Essays • Timothy Titcomb

... and thousands of people, and thousands upon thousands of cattle, the land is lower than the sea; the cities are built upon piles driven into the sand; the river-beds are higher than the tops of the houses, and at any moment, if the dykes were to burst, or the rivers to overflow, the whole country with all its inhabitants might be swept away. It has been well said that "Holland is a conquest made by man over the sea. It is an artificial country. The Hollanders made it. It exists because the Hollanders ...
— Little Folks (November 1884) - A Magazine for the Young • Various

... of mighty rivers, has inundated one forum, and festers and teems with ruiners and ruined. What fevers, what agues, do not these things cause? What obstructions, what irruptions of blood into the air-vessels, what distemperature of heat, what overflow of humours, do not result? If you examine every suit at law, as if it were a person, as to where it originated, where it came from, you will find that one was produced by obstinate temper, another by frantic love of strife, a third by some ...
— Plutarch's Morals • Plutarch

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