"Overdue" Quotes from Famous Books
... was on the left in the 10th Corps. Conferences were held by the G.O.C. with C.O.'s and Adjutants two or three times a week, while parties were constantly detailed to witness demonstrations of gas, smoke and flame throwers. At last, also, the drafts so badly needed and so long overdue appeared in fairly adequate numbers; in March alone 202 men joined the Battalion for duty, which brought our total strength ... — The War Service of the 1/4 Royal Berkshire Regiment (T. F.) • Charles Robert Mowbray Fraser Cruttwell
... comfort from Walters's confidence. He tugged at his moustache and repeated, "He is three weeks overdue." ... — The Four Feathers • A. E. W. Mason
... nourish (the hope) acciones preferentes, preference shares agudo, sharp, keen aplazar, to postpone asistir, to assist, to attend atendible, plausible atrasado, overdue caldos, wines and oils (collectively) consabido, in question, aforesaid cuenta de venta, account sale dedicarse, to devote oneself dejar sin efecto, to cancel delicado de salud, in indifferent health desfavorable, contrario, unfavourable, adverse *deshacerse de, ... — Pitman's Commercial Spanish Grammar (2nd ed.) • C. A. Toledano
... still no Crossing, but late in the afternoon a shot was heard; then we saw a white rag on a pole; then we landed and beheld a large pile of rations, in charge of three men. These men, Dodds, Bonnemort, and Riley, as we were days overdue, had about made up their minds we were lost, and had contemplated departing in the morning and leaving the rations to their fate. Riley and Bonnemort were prospectors, who remained only to see us and make some inquiries about the river above. They told me afterward we were the roughest-looking ... — The Romance of the Colorado River • Frederick S. Dellenbaugh
... suit me, your coming here,' he said. 'My own schooner is overdue, and I may put something in your way in the meantime. Are you open to ... — The Ebb-Tide - A Trio And Quartette • Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne