"Outhouse" Quotes from Famous Books
... could find about the place and made bullets in a couple of bullet-moulds we had found—one for ounce and one for small bullets, three to the ounce. The fire to melt the lead was in a shelter we had made behind an outhouse, and here one day, in spite of all our precautions, we were discovered at work, with rows and pyramids of shining bullets round us, and our secret was out. We were laughed at as a set of young fools for our pains. "Never mind," said my brother. "Let them mock now; by ... — Far Away and Long Ago • W. H. Hudson
... "She's on an outhouse roof. I dropped down, but it hurt me, you see, and Vere daren't attempt it. A ladder would do, just one ladder. There's Mr Carstairs—he'll come! I'll tell him ... — The Heart of Una Sackville • Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey
... freight entrance probably to the great brick warehouse that reared its blank, windowless side just opposite. He saw that his previous surmise had been correct—this room he had been confined in was a rear room, the shed below was doubtless an outhouse of the saloon, the street yonder was ... — Fire Mountain - A Thrilling Sea Story • Norman Springer
... an outhouse, they approached within twenty yards of this victim; raised their arms and arrows and fired. He fell likewise without uttering a cry, and made no stir. When found afterwards there were two bullet holes in his head, and an arrow lay lodged in his breast. [Footnote: This fact I get from ... — The Story of Louis Riel: The Rebel Chief • Joseph Edmund Collins
... came home and stayed for a longer time than usual. During this stay he received many letters. My grandmother noticed a furtiveness in his manner when he received them. My grandmother noticed that her husband always repaired immediately to the outhouse when he ... — Tramping on Life - An Autobiographical Narrative • Harry Kemp