"Ooze" Quotes from Famous Books
... reddish spots, sharply defined against the healthy skin. They may be elevated slightly and soon became covered with whitish pearl colored scales. If the scales are picked off, there is left a smooth red surface, and from this, small drops of blood ooze out. No watery or pus-like discharge escapes at any period of this disease. These spots extend at the circumference (periphery), reaching the size of the drops, or of the coins, or they may run together and form ring-shaped, or crooked ... — Mother's Remedies - Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remedies from Mothers - of the United States and Canada • T. J. Ritter
... avengers, with hair of snakes and whips of scorpions,—all beyond expression devilish. Floor it has none, nor ceiling, for, with the Meinam so near, neither boards nor plaster can keep out the ooze. Underfoot, a few planks, loosely laid, are already as soft as the mud they are meant to cover; the damp has rotted them through and through. Overhead, the roof is black, but not with smoke; for here, where the close steam of the soggy earth and the reeking walls is almost ... — The English Governess At The Siamese Court • Anna Harriette Leonowens
... of his tales of Indians, Dick had thought what he would do if he ever came in contact with a real, live, sure-enough redskin, and always he had thought how brave he would be. But now that he had actually met one, he felt his nerve ooze away. ... — Ted Strong's Motor Car • Edward C. Taylor
... it was—a long period without food, perhaps—that started this stuff to changing, I do not know. Maybe it was existence following the way of greatest pressure toward selfhood. Anyway, it started and began its journey. Up and up, out of the mud and ooze, into light and ... — Claire - The Blind Love of a Blind Hero, By a Blind Author • Leslie Burton Blades
... edge of the highway. The Confederate prisoners with them, warned them of their danger, but the men were not to be stayed when a deadly rain of the enemy's balls was thinning their ranks every minute. The swamp was one black ooze with water up to their waists, a tangle of grass, reeds, cypress trees, bushes. Loaded down with their heavy clothing, and their army accoutrements, one after another the men sank from sheer exhaustion. No man could succor his brother. It was all he could ... — Russell H. Conwell • Agnes Rush Burr