... to the flames by the hands of the hangman for certain popular errors; such as, for instance, under the word Gran Duca we find Vedi Gabelli! (see Taxes!) and the word Gabella was explained by a reference to Gran Duca! Grand-duke and taxes were synonymes, according to this mordacious lexicographer! Such grievances, and the modes of expressing them, are equally ancient. A Roman consul, by levying a tax on salt during the Punic war, was nicknamed Salinator, and condemned by "the majesty" ... — Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 3 (of 3) • Isaac D'Israeli
... into the mountains a heart at once sore and bitter. The soreness had been drawn out of it in time; the bitterness had but grown the more intense. Hard, mordacious, no man's friend . . . that was the David Drennen who at Pere Marquette's fete sought any quarrel to which he might lay his hands. The world had battled and buffeted him; it had showered blows and been chary of ... — Wolf Breed • Jackson Gregory