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Migrate   /mˈaɪgrˌeɪt/   Listen

(past & past part. migrated; pres. part. migrating)
Move from one country or region to another and settle there.  Synonym: transmigrate.  "This tribe transmigrated many times over the centuries"
Move periodically or seasonally.  "The workers migrate to where the crops need harvesting"

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"Migrate" Quotes from Famous Books

... on the place, they have spent the whole of their long lives there, and consider it to be as much their home as it is that of its owner. In fact, the negroes here are remote from those influences that lead so many others to migrate. The plantation is eighteen miles from a railroad and forty from a town, and is set down in a very sparsely settled country that has been only partially cleared of its forests. It has a teeming population ...
— Lippincott's Magazine, December, 1885 • Various

... own notion. The circumstance, that when these insects disappear, the birds return to the firmament, places the opinion almost beyond all doubt. It is the same instinct, which leads certain species of birds on our earth to migrate ...
— Niels Klim's journey under the ground • Baron Ludvig Holberg

... divided into the following eight clans:—Kuki Khel, Malikdin Khel, Kambar Khel, Kamar Khel, Zakka Khel (the most numerous and the most turbulent), Sipah, Aka Khel and Adam Khel. The first seven clans live in the vicinity of the Khyber Pass, and migrate to Tirah in the summer months. The Adam Khel (5900 fighting men) live round the Kohat Pass, and are more settled and less migratory in their habits. In appearance the Afridi is a fine, tall, athletic highlander ...
— Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia

... with long wings, by the side of one of my open ports. I found out that they were white ants which had burst through the wood- work, and which seem to be provided with wings under such circumstances, in order that they may migrate. The wood-work inside near the place from which they burst out, was completely destroyed by them, and reduced to a pulp. It appears that there are quantities of these creatures in this ship. It is believed that they are ...
— Letters and Journals of James, Eighth Earl of Elgin • James, Eighth Earl of Elgin

... continued the old man, scorning to notice the insinuation, "dough I year Miss Sally w'isslin', an' de peckerwoods a chatterin', I ain't seein' none er deze yer loafin' niggers fixin' up fer ter 'migrate. Dey kin holler Kansas all 'roun' de naberhood, but ceppin' a man come 'long an' spell it wid greenbacks, he don't ketch none er deze yer town niggers. You ...
— Uncle Remus • Joel Chandler Harris

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