... Manufacture fabriki. Manufacture fabriko. Manure sterko. Manuscript manuskripto. Many multo. Many multaj. Many of multe da. Many, how kiom. Many, so tiom. Map karto, geografikarto. Mar difekti, malbonformigi. Maraud rabeti. Marble marmoro. Marble (plaything) globeto. March (month) Marto. March marsxi. March marsxado. Marchioness markizino. Mare cxevalino. Margin margxeno. Marguerite (daisy) lekanto. Marigold kalendulo. Marine mara. Marine marsoldato. Mariner maristo. ... — English-Esperanto Dictionary • John Charles O'Connor and Charles Frederic Hayes
... would only go for an awkward attempt to shift off the suspicion, unless he would give any description; and that he can't, or won't do. Or even if he did, the case would be all the stronger against his story—setting off, and leaving a stranger to maraud about the place. No, Dr. May; the only thing for it is to persuade the lad to own to having struck the old man in a passion; every one knows old Axworthy could be intolerably abusive, and the boy always was passionate. ... — The Trial - or, More Links of the Daisy Chain • Charlotte M. Yonge