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Low-down   /loʊ-daʊn/   Listen

Slang terms for inside information.  Synonyms: dope, poop, the skinny.
Of the most contemptible kind.  Synonyms: abject, low, miserable, scummy, scurvy.  "A low stunt to pull" , "A low-down sneak" , "His miserable treatment of his family" , "You miserable skunk!" , "A scummy rabble" , "A scurvy trick"
(of jazz) having the soulful feeling of early blues.  Synonym: funky.

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"Low-down" Quotes from Famous Books

... do, and when he had (as senior officer) complimented Kettle on the achievement, the little sailor had coldly replied that he was only carrying out his duty and earning his pay. And he had further mentioned that it was lucky for Commandant Balliot that he was a common, low-down Britisher, and not a fancy Belgian, or he would have thought of his own skin first, and steamed on comfortably down river and just contented himself with making a report. The white engineer of the launch—a drunken Scot—had, it seemed, been killed in ...
— A Master of Fortune • Cutcliffe Hyne

... 'member much 'bout de Yankees, though I does 'members de Ku Klux. They visit pappy's house after freedom, shake him, and threaten dat, if him didn't quit listenin' to them low-down white trash scalawags and carpetbaggers, they would come back and whale de devil out of him, and dat de Klan would take notice of ...
— Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves • Works Projects Administration

... to say I'm nothing of the kind," spiritedly replied the under-dog. "You all time wanting somebody to call theirselfs someping. You're a low-down Isabella skunk yourself." ...
— Miss Minerva and William Green Hill • Frances Boyd Calhoun

... find out that it won't work. We are the ones who pay his salary, and if he can't preach the things we want to hear, he'll find himself going hungry, or forced to dig along with those he is so worried about. I don't find anything in the Bible that tells me to associate with every low-down person in the city, and I guess I'm as good a Christian as anyone in ...
— That Printer of Udell's • Harold Bell Wright

... Macnooder. "If you've been in tow of Butsey, I'll bet you've been paying out all day. Butsey White's a low-down, white-livered cuss, who'd take advantage of ...
— The Varmint • Owen Johnson

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