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Lock away   /lɑk əwˈeɪ/   Listen
Lock away

Place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape.  Synonyms: lock, lock in, lock up, put away, shut away, shut up.  "She locked her jewels in the safe"

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"Lock away" Quotes from Famous Books

... but the first of it was like this. I've always been a scribbler in my lazy moments, as you know, but perhaps you can't be expected to know that I have put care and strong thought, art and heart both, into some verse that I occasionally would take out and look over, and then lock away again. How could I, forlorn and degraded, an outcast from society, hope to effect anything in literature! Yet I never destroyed any of these pet lucrubations of mine, and one day, a few months ago, I picked out a poem, ...
— Ringfield - A Novel • Susie Frances Harrison

... I've always been a scribbler in my lazy moments, as you know, but perhaps you can't be expected to know that I have put care and strong thought, art and heart both, into some verse that I occasionally would take out and look over, and then lock away again. How could I, forlorn and degraded, an outcast from society, hope to effect anything in literature! Yet I never destroyed any of these pet lucrubations of mine, and one day, a few months ago, I picked out a poem, copied it fair when my hand wasn't shaking, and sent it to a magazine ...
— Ringfield - A Novel • Susie Frances Harrison

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