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Lambaste   /lˌæmbˈæst/  /lˌæmbˈeɪst/   Listen

Beat with a cane.  Synonyms: cane, flog, lambast.
Censure severely or angrily.  Synonyms: bawl out, berate, call down, call on the carpet, chew out, chew up, chide, dress down, have words, jaw, lambast, lecture, rag, rebuke, remonstrate, reprimand, reproof, scold, take to task, trounce.  "The deputy ragged the Prime Minister" , "The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup"

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"Lambaste" Quotes from Famous Books

... know puffickly wal what I am,—a confirmed dyspeptic for twenty-five year. An' I a'n't ashamed on it, nuther; but I'm proud to say I glory in it. You know puffickly wal what my notions is about all this 'ere stuff, an' still you keep stickin' it into my face. Now, ef you want me to lambaste ye, I'm the man to do it, an' do it hahnsome. But ef yer life a'n't insured clean up to the hub, an' ef ye've got any survivin' friends, I advise ye not to tote any more o' that 'ere grub in this direction. ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 85, November, 1864 • Various

... impalement; firing squad; martyrdom; auto-da-fe[Fr]; noyade[obs3]; happy dispatch. [suicide as punishment] hara-kiri, seppuku [Japanese]; drinking the hemlock. V. punish; chastise, chasten; castigate, correct, inflict punishment, administer correction, deal retributive justice; cowhide, lambaste*. visit upon, pay; pay out, serve out; do for; make short work of, give a lesson to, serve one right, make an example of; have a rod in pickle for; give it one. strike &c. 276; deal a blow to, administer the lash, smite; slap, slap the face; smack, cuff, box the ears, spank, thwack, ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

... naturally lambaste 'em?" he cried excitedly. "They'll down him, I guess,—but say, he's right. A man would lose his self-respect if he didn't let out his mind at them hoss thieves, wouldn't he? What's ...
— The Crossing • Winston Churchill

... needing to know? My! I bet that boy could give a child castor oil and make him honestly think it was candy. Why, they say that as far as anybody can find out, he's never give that poolroom man even one good talking to. Jake, who's been itching to lambaste the man, says 's-far's he can see, it was the poolroom man who did all the talking. And once Jake says he just dropped in himself, just to see what line of argument the minister was using, and he says that he'd be danged if the minister ...
— Green Valley • Katharine Reynolds

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