"Item" Quotes from Famous Books
... then, at middle age, she was as pure as is a child. And, as to equity, it was only that she substituted the equity of camps for the polished (but often more iniquitous) equity of courts and towns. As to the third item—the world's opinion—I don't know that you need lay a stress on some; for, generally speaking, all that the world did, said, or thought, was alike contemptible in her eyes, in which, perhaps, she was not so very far wrong. I must add, though at the cost of interrupting ... — Narrative And Miscellaneous Papers • Thomas De Quincey
... from us) had arrived at its destination when I went to apply for it. The chances, which had been all against us hitherto, turned from this moment in our favour. Mrs. Todd's letter contained the first item of information of which we ... — The Woman in White • Wilkie Collins
... of the sundry civil appropriation act approved March. 2, 1889,[1] in which certain expenses of the United States Geological Survey are provided for, is the following item: ... — The Repair Of Casa Grande Ruin, Arizona, in 1891 • Cosmos Mindeleff
... Mr. Pffeffenfifer sells in such a soulfully seductive way that eats acquire virtues above and beyond their own base selves. Mr. Pffeffenfifer can infuse soul into a sausage. Behold now, eats the most alluring. See, what's this! Ah, yes, here we have, item: Salmi, redolent of garlic! Here again a head cheese, succulent and savoury; here's ham, most ... — The Definite Object - A Romance of New York • Jeffery Farnol
... special article in "the grand alliance." In the year 1707 it was particularly discussed between England and the States, to the great discontent of the emperor, who was far from wishing its definitive settlement. But it was now become an indispensable item in the total of important measures whose accomplishment was called for by the peace of Utrecht. Conferences were opened on this sole question at Antwerp in the year 1714; and, after protracted and difficult discussions, ... — Holland - The History of the Netherlands • Thomas Colley Grattan