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Issue   /ˈɪʃu/   Listen

An important question that is in dispute and must be settled.  "Politicians never discuss the real issues"
One of a series published periodically.  Synonym: number.
Some situation or event that is thought about.  Synonyms: matter, subject, topic.  "He had been thinking about the subject for several years" , "It is a matter for the police"
The act of providing an item for general use or for official purposes (usually in quantity).  Synonyms: issuance, issuing.  "The last issue of penicillin was over a month ago"
Supplies (as food or clothing or ammunition) issued by the government.  Synonyms: government issue, military issue.
The income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property.  Synonyms: payoff, proceeds, return, take, takings, yield.
A phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon.  Synonyms: consequence, effect, event, outcome, result, upshot.  "His decision had depressing consequences for business" , "He acted very wise after the event"
The immediate descendants of a person.  Synonyms: offspring, progeny.  "He died without issue"
The becoming visible.  Synonyms: egress, emergence.
An opening that permits escape or release.  Synonyms: exit, outlet, way out.  "The canyon had only one issue"
The act of issuing printed materials.  Synonym: publication.
(past & past part. issued; pres. part. issuing)
Prepare and issue for public distribution or sale.  Synonyms: bring out, publish, put out, release.
Circulate or distribute or equip with.  Synonym: supply.  "Supply blankets for the beds"
Bring out an official document (such as a warrant).
Come out of.  Synonyms: come forth, come out, egress, emerge, go forth.  "The words seemed to come out by themselves"
Make out and issue.  Synonyms: cut, make out, write out.  "Cut a ticket" , "Please make the check out to me"

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"Issue" Quotes from Famous Books

... should break—of a critical victory, depending on him alone to save the Guards of England from defeat and shame; their honor and their hopes rested on his solitary head; by him they would be lost or saved; but, unharassed by the magnitude of the stake at issue, unhaunted by the past, unfretted by the future, he slumbered ...
— Under Two Flags • Ouida [Louise de la Ramee]

... pouring the compound cresol solution on the cotton. At all times the wound should be kept clean and the cavity injected once or twice daily with a solution of 1 dram of carbolic acid in 8 ounces of water. Under this treatment the pus may cease and the wound heal without complications. Saliva may issue from the orifice and result in the formation of a salivary fistula. This requires operative treatment by a qualified veterinarian. When poulticing fails to reduce the swelling or produce softening, the inflamed area may be rubbed once daily with camphorated oil, compound iodin ointment, or ...
— Special Report on Diseases of Cattle • U.S. Department of Agriculture

... politics the straight path is the sure one! Such a minister will hope for the best, and expect the best; by acting openly, steadily, and bravely, he will act always for the best: and so acting, be the issue what it may, he will never dishonour himself or his country, nor fall under the "sharp judgment" of which they that are in ...
— Colloquies on Society • Robert Southey

... upon the sea; while the shores of Europe were smiling in the distance, and the long and magnificent roadway which he had made lay floating upon the water, all ready to take his enormous armament across whenever he should issue the command. ...
— Xerxes - Makers of History • Jacob Abbott

... as the chronicle expresses it, one of his first acts of mediation was to cut off the head of a Colonna, and his next was to lay regular siege to the strongholds of the family in the Roman hills; but before he had brought this singular process of mediation to an issue he suddenly died, the Colonna returned to their dwellings in Rome 'with great clamour and triumph,' got the better of the Orsini, and proceeded to elect a Pope after their own hearts, in the person of Cardinal Cibo, of Genoa, known as Innocent the ...
— Ave Roma Immortalis, Vol. 1 - Studies from the Chronicles of Rome • Francis Marion Crawford

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