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Impact   /ɪmpˈækt/  /ˈɪmpækt/   Listen

The striking of one body against another.
A forceful consequence; a strong effect.  Synonym: wallop.  "The book packs a wallop"
Influencing strongly.  Synonyms: encroachment, impingement.
The violent interaction of individuals or groups entering into combat.  Synonym: shock.
(past & past part. impacted; pres. part. impacting)
Press or wedge together; pack together.
Have an effect upon.  Synonyms: affect, bear on, bear upon, touch, touch on.

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"Impact" Quotes from Famous Books

... kerosene oil engine. It was the practice to set a number of forms before filling any. This enabled the carpenter gang to be plumbing up the first form while the erecting gang were setting others. The forms had to be very securely guyed and braced to withstand the impact of the falling concrete. Very little trouble was had in ...
— Concrete Construction - Methods and Costs • Halbert P. Gillette

... at her, open-mouthed. "Marry? I, marry Lily?" He actually gasped under the impact of a perfectly new idea; then he ...
— The Vehement Flame • Margaret Wade Campbell Deland

... drunk the steaming stuff, he was about to return the tin cup to the pack when a rustling, sliding sound aroused him. He turned in time to see a great mass of snow from a tree higher up fall full upon the overloaded head of the protruding pine. The latter quivered for a moment under the impact, and then, with a loud snapping of branches and muffled tearing of roots, fell crashing to the crusted snow beneath, leaving a gaping ...
— The Wilderness Trail • Frank Williams

... Themistocles had both sat at home doing nothing, Alexander would still have marched east in his time, and Rome conquered the world. So discount all talk of Greece's having saved Europe, which was never in danger. But you may say Persia saved Greece: that her impact kindled the fires—was used by the Law for that purpose—which so ...
— The Crest-Wave of Evolution • Kenneth Morris

... splinter her spine. Later in all probability it would telescope her knee-joints. And never indeed now that she came to think of it had the arches of her feet felt less capable of resisting so terrible an impact. Quite unconsciously she groped out a little with one hand to steady herself against the edge ...
— The White Linen Nurse • Eleanor Hallowell Abbott

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