"Hyaline" Quotes from Famous Books
... grapple with the ultimate structural energies of nature. [Footnote: 'In using the expression "one sort of living substance" I must guard against being supposed to mean that any kind of living protoplasm is homogeneous. Hyaline though it may appear, we are not at present able to assign any limit to its complexity of structure.'—Burdon Sanderson, in the 'British Medical Journal,' January 16, 1875. We have here scientific ... — Fragments of science, V. 1-2 • John Tyndall
... World-soul of the mother, Nature;—who, over and over, Both sweetheart and lover, Goes singing her songs from one sweet month to the other,— That appear, that appear? In forest and field, on hill-land and lea, As crystallized harmony, Materialized melody, An uttered essence peopling far and near The hyaline atmosphere?... Behold how it sprouts from the grass and blooms from flower and tree! In waves of diaphanous moonlight and mist, In fugue upon fugue of gold and of amethyst, Around me, above me it spirals; now slower, now faster, Like symphonies born ... — Myth and Romance - Being a Book of Verses • Madison Cawein
... an azure background of Leonardo's, strange, enchanting, mysterious, leading on the eye and the imagination into regions of fabulous delight. As she gazed, her heart beat with a soft and rapturous surprise; so exquisite a promise she read in the summons of that hyaline distance. ... — The Early Short Fiction of Edith Wharton, Part 2 (of 10) • Edith Wharton
... cause, however, and not as in itself an efficient one, except on the rarest occasions. For a more direct and immediate cause we must look to the organic matter which forms a large proportion of all urinary calculi. This consists of mucus, albumen, pus, hyaline casts of the uriniferous tubes, epithelial cells, blood, etc., mainly agents that belong to the class of colloid or noncrystalline bodies. A horse may live for months and years with the urine habitually of a high density and having the mineral constituents ... — Special Report on Diseases of the Horse • United States Department of Agriculture
... by sessile or pedunculated outgrowths in front of the tragus. They are more commonly unilateral, always congenital, and can be easily removed, giving rise to no unpleasant symptoms. They have a soft and elastic consistency, and are usually composed of a hyaline or reticular cartilaginous axis covered with connective or adipose tissue and skin bearing fine hairs; sometimes both cartilage and fat are absent. They are often associated with some form of defective audition—harelip, ... — Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine • George M. Gould
... and 318) and B. Cauvet (Archives de Medecine Navale, November, 1876), is a fungus which is developed directly from the mycelium, each individual of which possesses one or several filaments, which are simple or dichotomous, with double outlines, extremely fine, plainly marked, hyaline, and pointed. Under favorable conditions, that is, with moisture, heat, and the presence of vegetable matter in decomposition, the filaments of mycelium increase in length. From these long filaments springs the fungus. ... — Scientific American Supplement, No. 385, May 19, 1883 • Various
... the face, extremities and dependent portions of the body; worse in the morning. There is a pasty yellowish pallor, afterwards dropsy of the abdominal and chest cavities. The urine is diminished, high colored, specific gravity usually 1020 to 1025 with much albumin. Many casts which are named hyaline, granular, epithelial and fatty. The action of the heart is bad. There may be trouble with the stomach and bowels, constipated, etc. The digestion is poor and the patient frequently suffers with much gas. Recovery is rare after it has lasted ... — Mother's Remedies - Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remedies from Mothers - of the United States and Canada • T. J. Ritter |