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Hush up   /həʃ əp/   Listen
Hush up

Cover up a misdemeanor, fault, or error.  Synonyms: gloss over, sleek over, whitewash.  "She tried to gloss over her mistakes"
Cause to be quiet or not talk.  Synonyms: hush, quieten, shut up, silence, still.

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"Hush up" Quotes from Famous Books

... Mother Fox will be after us all if you don't hush up," called one boy. "I guess she's coming," which had the desired effect. All the voices died down ...
— Five Little Peppers at School • Margaret Sidney

... Steele's eyes asked a question; the other nodded. "Of course; not difficult to understand; her desire to hush up the affair; her fear," with a short laugh, "lest the scandal become known. A guest ...
— Half A Chance • Frederic S. Isham

... but I took another liberty with Pangloss. Prefacing it with the observation that, of course, I knew beforehand that there was not the faintest desire, anywhere, to hush up any part of this dreadful business, and that the Inquest was the fairest of all possible Inquests, I besought four things of Pangloss. Firstly, to observe that the Inquest WAS NOT HELD IN THAT PLACE, but at some distance ...
— The Uncommercial Traveller • Charles Dickens

... on good terms. Then—well, to cut a long story short, one day anonymous letters and post cards began to fly about the parish, bearing scurrilous comments on that unhappy woman's past history. At first the Vicar tried to hush up the matter, but as you may imagine"—her voice rang with delicate scorn—"everyone else thoroughly enjoyed talking things over and wondering and discussing—with the result that the Bishop of the Diocese heard the tale and came down to hold a ...
— Afterwards • Kathlyn Rhodes

... man don't know who to side with. He don't want to lose the whole west wing. After all, there must be young people in the house, and if it weren't one thing it would be another. It's only a few fidgets that complain. They'll hush up and go off presently, and the whole thing will be a joke over the breakfast-table to-morrow morning, after everybody's ...
— A Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's Life. • Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney

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