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Hop   /hɑp/   Listen

The act of hopping; jumping upward or forward (especially on one foot).
Twining perennials having cordate leaves and flowers arranged in conelike spikes; the dried flowers of this plant are used in brewing to add the characteristic bitter taste to beer.  Synonym: hops.
An informal dance where popular music is played.  Synonym: record hop.
(past & past part. hopped; pres. part. hopping)
Jump lightly.  Synonyms: hop-skip, skip.
Move quickly from one place to another.
Travel by means of an aircraft, bus, etc..  "He hopped rides all over the country"
Traverse as if by a short airplane trip.
Jump across.
Make a jump forward or upward.

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"Hop" Quotes from Famous Books

... theologic reasoning wrought into them an orthodox significance. As an example of this mixture of heathen with Christian magic, we may cite the following from a medieval medical book as a salve against "nocturnal goblin visitors": "Take hop plant, wormwood, bishopwort, lupine, ash-throat, henbane, harewort, viper's bugloss, heathberry plant, cropleek, garlic, grains of hedgerife, githrife, and fennel. Put these worts into a vessel, set ...
— History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom • Andrew Dickson White

... us, and the three blinds. After that, the conductor and the other shack swing aboard. But still my captor holds on to me. I see the plan. He is going to hold me until the rear of the train goes by. Then he will hop on, and I shall be ...
— The Road • Jack London

... commander's voice in jaunty tones. The soldiers passed in a semicircle round something where the ball had fallen, and an old trooper on the flank, a noncommissioned officer who had stopped beside the dead men, ran to catch up his line and, falling into step with a hop, looked back angrily, and through the ominous silence and the regular tramp of feet beating the ground in unison, one seemed to hear ...
— War and Peace • Leo Tolstoy

... my knees," said he, "and then, once on them, I can easily rise to my feet and hop ...
— Gascoyne, The Sandal Wood Trader - A Tale of the Pacific • R. M. Ballantyne

... and somehow or other Sandy, who was steering, let the canoe strike against a big rock. Over she went, with a hole knocked through her bows! Having no fancy to be drowned, I made a leap on to the rock, and shouting to my companions to follow, with many a hop, skip, and jump, managed to reach the shore; but when I looked out for the rest of us, I could nowhere see them. I shouted again and again, but they did not answer. My belafe is that they were all carried away and drowned. I sat down on the bank, and at last, as I had been awake for many a long ...
— Snow Shoes and Canoes - The Early Days of a Fur-Trader in the Hudson Bay Territory • William H. G. Kingston

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